Eco-friendly Contractor HVAC Innovations


Innovative Green Technology That You Can Utilize for Better Contractor HVAC Customer Service


The way of the world is changing, and it is shifting fast towards sustainability. Indeed, as businesses and governments increase awareness of the cost of energy and the potential to reduce waste, HVAC contractors must remain on the cutting edge of innovation to provide systems and services that meet the need for more sustainability in business and residential buildings. Fortunately, consumers also want to be part of the solution. So, new technology can help you provide the best contractor HVAC service and solutions to customers while also reducing energy waste from heating and cooling systems.

Why contractor HVAC sustainability matters

The HVAC system in any home or business consumes a lot of energy. According to the U.S. Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, businesses and government office space account for 18% of the total U.S. energy consumption. With 93 billion square feet of office space, it is more than all the energy Canada uses in a year. Unfortunately, as much as 30% of that energy is also lost to waste because of:

  • Inefficient building designs.
  • Energy-wasting building materials.
  • Old or outdated building codes.

Residential homes also use a substantial amount of energy each year on heating and cooling. They account for 51% of all energy costs on average across all types of homes in the U.S.

In addition to being good for the environment, green innovations in HVAC can help businesses reduce operating costs and families lower their monthly energy bills. Nobody wants to waste money on heating and cooling that is not providing a benefit to the occupants of a home or a business.

Thus, offering the latest HVAC technology helps you be more competitive in bids where efficiency, costs and energy savings matter.

Green HVAC innovations

The good news for your contractor HVAC operations is that there are plenty of exciting innovations that can help you provide better and more efficient heating and cooling systems for your residential and commercial customers. Here are a few of the latest innovations that can help your HVAC business meet the demand for energy efficiency.

1: Dual-fuel heat pumps

Dual-fuel heat pumps get their name from the combination of two heating systems: a heat pump and a gas furnace. They are designed to maximize efficiency while ensuring comfort and warmth in all temperatures.

The system is more efficient than a central air conditioning unit or a typical furnace because it simply transfers heat rather than creating it. In warmer months, it removes heat from the air inside a home or business and transfers it outside. As the weather cools down, it pulls as much heat from the outside air as possible and transfers it indoors.

The challenge with heat pumps is that once the temperature drops below 35 degrees Fahrenheit, it cannot pull enough heat from the air to provide adequate warmth. That is where the dual system comes in. The furnace kicks on when the temperatures drop below 35 degrees. It uses natural gas or another fuel source to keep the air warm in the coldest weather.

2: High-flux solar furnace

Solar furnaces are not a new innovation. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory developed the first one in 1989.

This furnace harnesses solar energy using a large mirror or multiple mirrors that concentrate sunlight into a single point. The concentrated energy reaches extremely high temperatures — about 5,400 degrees Fahrenheit — and can melt through solid steel in seconds.

This technology is still used primarily for industrial, nuclear defense and scientific studies. However, as the technology continues to evolve for both solar energy and solar furnaces, it is worth keeping an eye on this space as a viable renewable energy option for generating heat for other uses as well.

3: Quiet-Duct Wrap

Duct wrap is a common material to insulate duct walls and prevent heat loss or heat gain. It helps conserve energy in any HVAC system. Quiet-Duct Wrap is a recent innovation that offers several sustainability and comfort benefits, including:

  • Recycled materials: It is made from recycled denim that would otherwise end up in landfills, reducing overall textile waste.
  • Green manufacturing: There are no added volatile organic compounds. This eliminates the potential risks of chemical gas emissions that could have negative health consequences in a home or business.
  • No irritants: The duct wrap is constructed without the use of any fiberglass. So, it will not cause itching or irritation, but it still has a Class-A fire rating.
  • Sound absorption: It is constructed with materials that reduce sound. Thus, the contractor HVAC system runs quietly and improves ambiance in a home or business.
  • Anti-microbial: Each fiber in the duct wrap is individually treated to prevent mold, mildew and fungus. It is also pest-resistant.

4: Energy-efficient retrofits

The buildings under construction today must meet strict energy-efficiency requirements for HVAC and other systems. This will help reduce energy waste in the future. But what about the billions of square feet of existing office and residential space built prior to today’s energy-efficiency codes and regulations? Those buildings could benefit from retrofitting.

A retrofit offers HVAC contractors an opportunity to remove old and inefficient systems and replace them with the latest innovative technologies that will reduce energy costs immediately. It is a significant project for many businesses to undertake. So, contractor HVAC bids must be clear in terms of energy savings and efficiency to make the upgrade worth the time and effort.

5: Energy analysis software

Before you begin any new construction or retrofit project, whole-building energy modeling software can help you identify opportunities for maximum energy efficiency. You input all the essential information about the building into the software, including the design and the materials and systems for HVAC, lighting, water heating and refrigeration.

Next, you input information about renewable energy systems, building usage and occupancy. The software calculates required energy needs to identify the most efficient way to design the building and the required HVAC system as well as the best way to install the HVAC for efficient energy usage.

How to find green technologies at competitive prices

One of the biggest challenges for HVAC contractors in keeping up with green energy initiatives and equipment is simply finding the best prices from the right suppliers. Raiven Marketplace is your one-stop shop to access all suppliers on a single platform for all your energy-efficient HVAC needs. When you use Raiven Marketplace, you get:

  • Cost savings:Compare prices to find both national and global suppliers that are offering prices that can help you remain competitive in bidding on green HVAC projects.
  • Purchasing compliance: Help your entire team stay on track procuring innovative new technologies with the power to see and control all your HVAC purchasing for your whole operation. No more rogue purchases or untested suppliers — your team can make approved purchases from approved suppliers at any time.

Learn more about Raiven Marketplace and how the tools can improve your ability to stay on the cutting edge of green energy and contractor HVAC innovation today.